Take the Quiz: Are You Ready to Fall in Love & Become a Homeowner?

Quiz: Are you ready to become a homeowner?
1. Why do you want to buy a home?
A. Just feels like the right time.
B. I'm tired of my current relationship with my landlord or rental property.
C. I'm ready to start building something long-term like equity.
2. How long have you been thinking about taking the plunge and buying a house?
A. About a month or two.
B. About six months.
C. At least a year.
3. Are your finances ready for a homebuying commitment?
A. I'm in between jobs right now or relying on gigs mostly.
B. Just started a new job or entered a new industry.
C. I've been at the same job or working in the same industry for over a year.
4. Do you know where you want to set roots?
A. I'm open to buying a home anywhere, really.
B. I have a general area in mind.
C. Yes! I know which cities or towns I want to buy in.
5. Do you think you'll need to move after buying a home?
A. Likely! I tend to want to move after living in one place for a couple of years.
B. Possible! My work may require relocating in the next one to three years.
C. Not likely. But if I do need to move, it won't be for at least five years.
6. How much have you saved for the down payment?
A. I haven't started or have little saved.
B. I have some savings and my debts are low.
C. I have a good amount saved up and my credit is healthy.
7. Have you started to get familiar with home financing options?
A. Not really but curious.
B. I've heard of a few programs but don't know which is best.
C. Yes, I'm actively researching and looking for the best options.
If you answered mostly A's:
Looks like you're just starting your homebuying journey. That's great! You can take the next step by assessing your goals for the year and using this time to get your finances in order. Create a budget, start saving, and explore cities that you'd like to live in.
If you answered mostly B's:
You may be ready to fall in love and buy your first home! It would be a great idea to start getting familiar with the homebuying process and continue to work on building up your savings and credit. You'll also want to talk with a mortgage professional to create a plan that will help you reach your homebuying goals faster.
If you answered mostly C's:
Congratulations! You're ready to fall in love and commit to the home of your dreams. You've put a lot of thought into this and have been working toward it for some time. The next step is to talk with a mortgage advisor to get pre-approved and explore the best home loan options for you.